5 Ways To Prevent Allergies
Preventing allergic reactions in different environments can be difficult. Although difficult, it is not totally impossible. We all live in our home environment. Most of us go to a work environment or a school environment at least five times each week.
We all must go outdoors and travel to some degree, and the travel and outdoor environment is constantly changing.
"An ounce of prevention," as they say, "is worth a pound of cure." So preventing allergic reactions is the best (and safest) way to go. Here are some ideas for "cleaning up" the various environments that you live in:
The Home Environment:
1. Dust and vacuum often to control dust mites.
2. Wash bedding often for the same reason.
3. Don't have pets that have feathers or fur to prevent dander.
4. Keep doors and windows closed to seal out pollen.
5. Reduce moisture in the kitchen and bathroom to help prevent mold spores.
The Work Environment: Preventing allergies in the work environment is much more difficult than preventing them in the home environment, where you have total control. Discuss your health needs with your supervisor.
If you have plant allergies request plants to be removed if any in your immediate area.
The School Environment: The school environment is not easily controlled. About all parents can do is to discuss the child's allergy problems with the teacher. They can also discuss the medication options with the child's doctor.
Be sure to inform the school nurse about your child's allergies and the medication needed such as an inhaler. Doing so will put your child's needs on record in the event of a allergy attack the school will be more prepared to deal with an emergency.
The Outdoor Environment: Location, location and location! Like the real estate market, the allergy market is also controlled by location. Some locations have a greater degree of pollen, dust, pet dander, and mold than others.
Before moving to a new neighborhood you may want to check out the flora growing around in the vicinity. It may seem like a pain to do so but you will thank yourself later.
The Travel Environment: Planes, trains, and automobiles are all loaded with allergens, and many vacation destinations are even worse. About all you can do is to travel by car and keep the windows closed.
Stay indoors during peak pollen time. Wear a face mask to reduce pollen exposure. Wash your hands and shower frequently. Be sure to travel with extra medication or your brand of inhalers. You can never rely on getting exactly what you need in an unfamiliar shopping area.
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